Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ganache (Topping)

Ganache (Topping)

80 gm IDEAL milk (I’ve tried other brands but this tastes the best kot)
250 gm cooking chocolate (chopped) (KC)
50 gm butter

1. Warm the milk in a pot and turn off the stove just before the milk is about to boil. You can see tiny bubble at the edge, that shows that it's warm enough.

2. Add the chopped cooking chocolate and butter. Stir until the chocolate and butter melt. Turn off the stove. Don't wait until everything is melt to turn off, you'll burn the choc.

3. Wait until both cake and the topping are cool before spreading the topping on the cake. (it’ll really be messy if you don’t)

* If you are not used to topping the cake, just put the cake on a wired rack (on a plate) and pour the ganache. Transfer the cake on a cake board using a spatula. (really good for amateurs).

* jangan risau kalau kek tu comot, boleh hias dengan garfu, corakkan bersilang, jangan cakar kek dengan garfu tau, lembut je sentuh topping. Karang nampak pulak kek tu…


*Resepi ni kalau pakai chocolate brand KC, kalau chocolate yang mahal, kena kurangkan susu, takut tak boleh nak “spread” atas kek.
*Ganache ni, memang nampak cair bila panas, tapi kena tunggu betul-betul sejuk, baru cantik. Selalu nina masak pakai kuali je, tapi terus masuk dalam Tupperware bertutup, tahan 2-3 hari, lembut dan cantik. Kalau dibiarkan di luar dalam kuali, ganache akan keras, mungkin sebab kuali tu sejuk.

Lebihan ganache boleh dimakan dengan roti, pisang, lagi sedap kalau dimakan dengan biskut digestive. Naufal kata “Ibu ni pandai la masak yang sedap-sedap” bila dia makan digestive dengan ganache. He he…

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