Monday, February 22, 2010

My Fluffy Omellette

My friend just send me a message asking me how to make my omellette. Whenever she comes to my home for dinner, omellette is definitely a must.. The secret? I used to put a little bit of milk.. but now, since my kids just love finishing every bit of the milk, I stop buying them. It's just so frustrating when you plan to make bread pudding or caramel only to realise the milk is all gone.
A word of caution though, too much milk will make your omellette watery and less appetizing. Anyway, the secret of my fluffy omellete is simply by scraping the egg again and again before it sets creating a ripple in the inside of the omellette giving a fluffier effect. It's hard to tell in words.. this is not my perfect omellette, it's so difficult to handle the camera at the same time, but it helps..
4 eggs (to cater my big family of 7 :P)
4 tablespoon of milk will do i guess, normally i just pour without measuring.. (optional)
a pinch of salt
white pepper
1. Heat the pan with a little bit of oil. This is too much actually.

2. Simply pour the egg (I only beat the egg a bit..)

3. Here's the tricky part, scrape your egg using a ladle, let it set for a while, and scrape again.. not in quickly motion though.. you just don't want to end up having scrambled egg hehe

4. Normally, it's fluffier but since I was handlling the camera at the same time, I missed a few scraping [sigh].. it should be fluffier.. and toss (I enjoy playing chef when I toss the egg over, my kids go wooooo!) and wait until the other side is cooked. If you can't toss it, simply slide the omellette into a plate and put the egg back into the pan, or rather, put the pan on the plate and turn it over.. if you know what I mean.. try it!

Beehoon Goreng Bertaucu!

This is a favourite meal of a very good friend.. I must have underestimated my beehoon because for me beehoon is the hardest meal to make hehe.. it's either too soggy, or not soft enough.. A lot of my friends laughed at this but that's the truth. At least until this friend of mine said how she loves my beehoon and asked for my recipe. So, here it is.. specially dedicated to her.. :P In case you are wondering why it's just so togel without any vege, simply because this is a very last minute meal when there's nothing else to cook or i don't have anything else in the fridge except taucu and udang kering :)


1/2 - 3/4 paket beehoon direndam air

1 bawang besar
3 bawang putih
segenggam udang kering dibasuh dan direndam air panas sekejap
1 paket taucu (RM0.60)
1 sudu kecil cili boh (tak pedas, kalau nak pedas tambah lagi)
dlm 2 sudu besar sos tomato

1 telur

1.Panaskan minyak, minyak lebih sikit pun takpe.. takut taucu hangit nanti. Tumis bawang besar dan bawang kecil yang telah diblend sampai garing. Masukkan udang kering dan taucu. Goreng hingga garing.

2. Masukkan cili boh dan sos tomato.. goreng lagi.

3. Masukkan air sikit, bagi senang nak gaul dengan beehoon. Jangan masuk banyak sangat.. nanti beehoon dah masak, tapi masih lagi berair.

4. Masukkan beehon yang telah direndam. Ada setengah kawan tu siap rendam air panas sebab masak last minute tapi nina tak berani sebab kadang-kadang terlalu lembik, bila masak hancur. Beehoon jadi pendek-pendek. Menyamps!

5. Kacau rata, kalau masih keras, masukkan air sikit. At this point, rasa macam.. jadi ke beehon aku ni.. keras semacam je. but continue stirring..

6. Bila dah masak, rupa dia macam ni..

Nina suka sangat makan beehoon dengan telur dadar yang dipotong. Tapi lagi sedap kalau telur ni digoreng nipis. Gulung-gulung dan hiris nipis-nipis. Sedapnya!!!